
I'm Ali, a prospective photographer based in Doha, Qatar.

I joined the photography community very late to proceed with my retirement and as a way to amuse myself and document my travel journey around the world. I intend to learn about people's heritage, civilization, history, and culture through photography.

It was a very long journey that began with learning all about photography. I am passionate about cameras and continue improving my photography skills.

 I regret that, for all the years, I have not discovered the world of photography and have not held a camera.

My Dearest Wife,

Words seem insufficient to convey the depth of my feelings for you.

You are the cornerstone of my happiness, the light that illuminates even the

darkest corners of my soul. I am endlessly grateful to have you by my side.

Today and every day, I vow to cherish you and honor you. You are my soulmate, confidante, and

everything, and I am eternally grateful for the blessing of your being around me.

Always carry a camera